This plugin opens a post/page in modal window using the post/page id in shortcode.
Author: | George Lazarou (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 3.0.1 |
WordPress version tested: | 3.9.2 |
Plugin version: | 1.8.4 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 22-04-2014 |
Last updated: | 21-09-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 52 |
Rated by: | 5 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 3 488 |
Click to start download |
Basic Features:
- Create modal link of post/page using shortcode or plain html link.
- Use of posts/pages as modals. No need to create new content somewhere else.
- Use id or permalink to target the post/page. Id is recommended.
- Use of special category "Modals" for different mechanism behaviour.
- Hide or Show post's/page's title in modal window using the shortcode attribute "title".
- Open wp's Login/Logout and Register form (in beta).
- Many options to adjust the modal to your own needs.
- Option to use Login/Register links of Meta Widget as "Modal Links".
- Option to use Read More Links as "Modal Links".
- It is multisite ready.
- Translation ready.
- Check the FAQ.
- Width : Choose the width of dialog. Leave empty or '0' for auto.
- Min Width : Choose the min width of dialog. Leave empty or '0' for auto.
- Max Width : Choose the max width of dialog. Leave empty or '0' for auto.
- Width Type : Choose between fixed and fluid type. (fixed/fluid)
- Responsive Width : Choose true if you want the width to be re-calculated on window resize. Will work only for fluid width type. (true/false)
- Height : Choose the height of dialog. After that value dialog goes scrollable.
- Max Height : Choose the max height of dialog. After that value dialog goes scrollable.
- Min Height : Choose the min height of dialog. Leave empty or '0' for auto.
- Max Height : Choose the max height of dialog. Leave empty or '0' for auto.
- Height Type : Choose between fixed and responsive type. (fixed/fluid)
- Responsive Height : Choose true if you want the height to be re-calculated on window resize. Will work only for fluid height type. (true/false)
- Draggable : Choose if the dialog will be draggable. (true/false)
- Resizable : Choose if the dialog will be resizable. (true/false)
- Show Title : Choose to show or hide the title, global option overrides title attribute in shortcodes or the data-title attribute in "modal" links. (true/false)
- Show Date : Choose to show the date of the post/page. (true/false)
- Show Author : Choose to show the author of the post/page. (true/false)
- Animate on Show : Choose if the dialog will animate on opening. (true/false)
- Animate on Hide : Choose if the dialog will animate on hiding. (true/false)
- Is Modal : Choose if the dialog will behave as modal or no. (true/false)
- Close Icon : Choose false to hide close (X) icon. (true/false)
- Close on Escape : Choose if the dialog will close using esc key. (true/false)
- Loading Image : Switch off or select the pre-loading image. (off/images)
- CSS Class : Enter any additional class that you want to attach to the dialog.
- Position : Choose the position of the dialog. (left, center, right, top, bottom)
- Responsive Position : Choose true if you want to re-position the dialog on window resize. (true/false)
Shortcode Attributes:
- id : The post's/page's id.
- permalink : The post's/page's permalink.
- title : To force the post's/page's title hide or show in modal window.
- login : Use login="true" to show wp's login/logout or register form.
- action : Use action="register" to show wp's register form.
* id or permalink are required to open a post/page.
* login="true" is required to open login/logout or register form.
* action="register" is required to open registration form.
* title is optional in any case.
* if both id and permalink provided, id will be used.
HTML Link Attributes:
- id : The post's/page's id.
- href : The post's/page's permalink otherwise "#".
- data-title : To force the post's/page's title hide or show in modal window.
- data-login : Use data-login="true" to show wp's login/logout or register form.
- data-action : Use data-action="register" to show wp's register form.
* always provide target="_modal".
* href should be set to '#' or set the post's/page's permalink.
* data-login="true" is required to open login/logout or register form.
* data-action="register" is required to open registration form.
* data-title is optional in any case.
* if both id and href="PERMALINK" provided, id will be used.
Learn by example:
Playing with the link name
Normal usage of link name.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“1”]link[/modalLinks]
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“1”>link</a>
If you leave empty the link name in the shortcode dont worry, id/permalink or login/register form name will get in place.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“1”][/modalLinks]
Result:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“1”>1</a>
You can use unclosed shortcode, again we take care the link name.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“1” /]
Result:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“1”>1</a>
Referring to the post/page by id or permalink
Open post/page with id ‘1’.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“1”]...
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“1”>...
Open post/page with permalink ‘?p=1’.
Shortcode:[modalLinks permalink=“?p=1”]...
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“?p=1”>...
If you provide both id and permalink in the shortcode, id will be used.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“1” permalink=“?p=2”]...
RESULT:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“1”>...
Showing or hiding the title of post/page
Title is NOT showing for post/page with id ‘1’.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“1” title=“false”]...
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“1” data-title=“false”>...
Title is showing for post with id ‘2’ which is in ‘Modal’ category.
Shortcode:[modalLinks id=“2” title=“true”]...
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“#” id=“2” data-title=“true”>...
Open wordpress’s Login/Logout or Register form.
Opens login or logout according of user’s state.
Shortcode:[modalLinks login=“true”]...
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“#” data-login=“login”>...
Opens registration form no matter of user’s state.
Shortcode:[modalLinks login=“true” action=“register”]...
HTML:<a target="_modal" href=“#” data-login=“login” data-action=“register”>...