Google Maps Master is the professional wordpress plugin to display locations with Google Maps V3.
Author: | TechGasp (profile at |
WordPress version required: | 3.5 |
WordPress version tested: | 5.7.2 |
Plugin version: | 5.1.4 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 23-04-2014 |
Last updated: | 11-03-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 20 |
Rated by: | 6 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 16 474 |
Active installs: | 50+ |
Click to start download |
It’s the perfect plugin to display your business location in a google map or, just your personal location if you have a blog, forum, etc.
Extensive, backend options to configure the map display, i.e. name, website, email, phone, mobile, city, state, and country. But hold on, that’s not all, you can even show your logo, avatar, picture, photo in the map.
The perfect solution to let your costumer know your physical location, with the usual TechGasp style. Includes 10 Techgasp designed glossy icons and is able to display 12 different markers per map.
Google Maps Master is fully Mobile Responsive.
Besides having a bunch of widgets to choose from to display your maps, since is fully integrated with TechGasp shortcode framework, you can easily display your maps inside posts or pages in an efficient and fast page loading way. SEO Ready and beefed-up with Google Maps Master Viral Widget!
Built with html5, fast page load times, no conflicts and uses the latest Google Maps V3 API for gorgeous 3D map displays and guess what! no need for google maps API key!
- Includes and allows selection of any of the Google Maps display, Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain
- Display up to 12 markers in the Advanced Widget
- Display 1 marker in the Basic Widget, for fast deployment
- Options per individual marker:
- Info On Icon click
- Displays business or personal Logo / Picture / Avatar
- Company Name: Your Company name, your name or username
- Company Address: Your company address or your personal address
- City: Your City
- State: Your State
- Country: Your Country
- Phone: Your Phone
- Mobile: Your Mobile
- Email: Your Email
- Website: Your Website link
- Free Text Field: use it as you which, example Read More link
- auto-hides empty fields per marker
- TechGasp Radioactive Widget… looks awesome!!!, Includes TechGasp Designed (Before Doomsday, Green Radiation, Blue Aftermath, Red Dawn, Orange Mushroom and Black Fallout)… read more below and check screenshots
- TechGasp Information Widget… The perfect widget to display the latest google maps V3 traffic, transit, weather and bicycling map informations with incredibly beautiful design. Includes 4 Information Overlays for fast and easy deployments (Traffic, Transit, Bicycling and Incredible Weather Forecast). The Weather Information contains accurate weather forecasts if you click the forecast icon, according to the zoom level of the map, it will also display real time clouds overlay. OMG!!! read more below and check screenshots
IMPORTANT: Errors and conflicts free. NO JAVASCRIPT or AJAX
Business Google Maps for WordPress
LITE Version Contains
Display, Hide or Change any Widget Title
Google Maps Master Viral Widget
- Perfect to increase your Google Rank and Search Engine Presence with Google Plus Button
- Increased Google SEO performance
- Perfect to boost your website traffic and gather new users with Google Share Button
- Option to display Google Plus or Google Share or both
Works great when published under any Google Maps Master Widget
Google Maps Master Basic Widget
- Minimal code for a Small system trace with extremely fast page load times
- Easy and fast wordpress deployment
- Includes Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain map display
- Includes 1 Marker
- Includes 1 TechGasp exclusively designed, transparent, glossy, with shadow marker icon
- Includes all Marker options
- No need for Google Maps API key
ADVANCED Version Contains
Display, Hide or Change any Widget Title
Google Maps Master Viral Widget
- Perfect to increase your Google Rank and Search Engine Presence with Google Plus Button
- Increased Google SEO performance
- Perfect to boost your website traffic and gather new users with Google Share Button
- Option to display Google Plus or Google Share or both
Works great when published under any Google Maps Master Widget
Google Maps Master Basic Widget
- Minimal code for a Small system trace with extremely fast page load times
- Easy and fast wordpress deployment
- Includes Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain map display
- Includes 1 Marker
- Includes 1 TechGasp exclusively designed, transparent, glossy, with shadow marker icon
- Includes all Marker options
No need for Google Maps API key
Google Maps Master Advanced Responsive Widget
- Fully Mobile Responsive
- Includes Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain map display
- Includes 12 Markers
- Includes 10 TechGasp exclusively designed, transparent, glossy, with shadow marker icons
- Includes all options per individual marker
- If more than 1 marker is selected, you can manually adjust the center of the map and zoom level to best display all markers
No need for Google Maps API key
Google Maps Master TechGasp Information Widget
- Includes 4 Information Overlays OMG!
- Real-Time Traffic
- Real-Time Transit
- Real-Time Bicycling
- Real-Time Weather Forecasts
- Accurate Weather Forecasts if you click the forecast icon
- According to the zoom level of the map, it will also display real time clouds overlay
- Option to display Weather in Fahrenheit or Celsius (metric)
- Includes 1 Marker
- Includes all Marker options
- Includes 1 TechGasp exclusively designed, transparent, glossy icon
No need for Google Maps API key
Google Maps Master TechGasp Radioactive Widget
- Includes 6 TechGasp Radioactive Map Overlays WOW! Awesome!!
- Before Doomsday
- Green Radiation
- Blue Aftermath
- Red Dawn
- Orange Mushroom
- Black Fallout
- Easy Option to create your own customized Google Map Overlay
- Includes 1 Marker
- Includes all Marker options
- Includes 1 TechGasp exclusively designed, transparent, glossy icon
No need for Google Maps API key
TechGasp Shortcode Framework v5
- Universal Shortcode for all pages and posts, same Shortcode applies to all pages and posts. Option to Automatically add the shortcode to all pages and posts or manually add the pre-built shortcode individually per page or post. Option to automatically only show the shortcode in Posts and not Pages. Option to Automatically show the shortcode After the Title or After the Content.
- Individual Shortcode for each page or post, individual customized shortcode per page or post
- Shortcodes allow you to professionally display your plugin inside pages and posts maintaining fast page load times and excellent Google SEO
- Advanced Version Link
- Right of the page, sidebar widget
- Inside the post, with shortcode framework
- Demo Link
More High Quality Plugins?
- For professional wordpress websites
- Tested for fast page load times and SEO
- Errors and conflicts free. NO JAVASCRIPT or AJAX
- Click Here