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Fast and simple WordPress image slider plugin. You can use it to add multiple image sliders to a website.

Author:Nikola Tomic (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.0.1
WordPress version tested:6.0.0
Plugin version:1.0.6
Added to WordPress repository:05-05-2020
Last updated:11-06-2022
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:https://dzoni.net/microslider
Total downloads:586
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Fast and simple WordPress image slider plugin. You can use to add multiple image sliders to your website. It uses minimal HTML/JS code and a simple markup that can easily be adapted to your website with CSS. Due to simplicity, it is very light in terms of resources needed, and database bloat. Just create a new slider, place the shortcode inside post/page and it’s ready to go! Based on a JS slider library flickity. Support for this plugin is provided in the wordpress.org support forum, or here: https://support.dzoni.net/
