Feedback Widget by mBedded Widgets

Get customer feedback, immediately!

Author:@webdevfe, mBedded Widgets (profile at
WordPress version required:5.5
WordPress version tested:5.9.2
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:18-03-2022
Last updated:18-03-2022
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:154
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Get customer feedback, immediately!
Use this simple widget to quickly add feedback functionality to your WordPress site. To install the Feedback Widget you would simply use this plugin. All feedbacks from your users, powerful analytics and customization can be found on your account at mBedded Widgets site.
Prior the installation, you need to register at to acquire the tId token. No Credit Card info is needed. It’s a quick process that should take you just a few minutes.