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Embed tooltips for sets and skills related to the Elder Scrolls Online into your pages and posts.

Author:Woeler (profile at
WordPress version required:4.9
WordPress version tested:6.3.4
Plugin version:1.1.9
Added to WordPress repository:22-09-2020
Last updated:07-09-2023
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:913
Active installs:30+
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This plugin will add ESO-Hub tooltips to your website. It will automatically detect links to our sets, skills, collectible and furniture pages. When you link to these ESO-Hub pages, this plugin will automatically add tooltips to the links on your website.

The tooltips work both on mobile and on desktop.

3rd party api

This plugin sends requests to the ESO-Hub API on

This api is only used to retrieve data. No data from your WordPress instance will be sent or stored on the external api. You can find the privacy policy here.

Creating Skillbars

If you would like to use skillbars you can create them via wordpress shortcodes, you simply have to give the links to the skill pages as attributes like so
[esohub_skillbar 1="" 2=""]

You can add as many skills as you want. You may also add links to companion skills.

If you want to display passive skills, make sure to add passive_ to the identifier in the shortcode like so
[esohub_skillbar passive_1=""]

If you want spacing between an ultimate skill and the rest of the skillbar, make sure to add ultimate_ to the identifier in the shortcode like so
[esohub_skillbar ultimate_1=""]