Yours59 responsive spacings for core blocks

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Plugin provides an Panel for Gutenberg Inspector which allows you to set responsive spacing (margin, padding)
for all core blocks.

Author:larslo (profile at
WordPress version required:5.0.0
WordPress version tested:6.0.1
Plugin version:1.0.2
Added to WordPress repository:09-08-2022
Last updated:18-08-2022
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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The wordPress standard Gutenberg Sidebar \”Dimensions\” panel, does not give good control over spacings, since it only allows us to set \’fixed\’ spacings (with units \”%\”,\”rem\”,\”vh\”,\”vw\”,\”px\”,\”em\”). Additionally I wanted to have options to change the spacings for different screen size and have negative values possible ( e.g. removing a block-gap (--wp--style--block-gap) in certain scenarios).
Therefor I made this little plugin: I wanted to map the spacing set in editor to my CSS Custom Property (CSSCP) (--size).
Hope this might be helpful for some others out there.
