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Text-to-speech platform for publishers and company newsrooms.

Author:XS2Content (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.6
WordPress version tested:6.2
Plugin version:1.5.4
Added to WordPress repository:12-03-2021
Last updated:28-04-2023
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:https://secure.xs2content.com
Total downloads:1 769
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XS2Content wants to give publishers, governmental organizations and companies with a newsroom the tools and the possibility to transform their own existing textual content into audio with soundscaping. The TTS-platform XS2Content provides new revenue models and the possibility to reach the target groups at other times of use.

With XS2Content, publishers and content producing organizations can create a new owned media channel easily and with very low costs. XS2Content offers an end to end-platform for publishers with the possibility to start broadcasting within a week. This plugin directly integrated with XS2Content where you can submit every post or which you want.

You can add a player on the post itself through settings and you can use gutenberg block, shortcodes and widgets to add a player or playlist.
