WTG Portal Manager assists us in managing related content for a product, service or event.
Author: | WebTechGlobal (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 3.8.0 |
WordPress version tested: | 4.2.7 |
Plugin version: | 1.0.8 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 19-01-2015 |
Last updated: | 13-03-2016
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | http://www.webtechglobal.co.uk/ |
Total downloads: | 975 |
Click to start download |
API accounts on a per portal basis but default ones for ease.
Working on one portal at a time allows all of the plugins views to help you focus on that portal. We active the portal we wish to edit.
A single form creates a new portal plus pages, a WP core menu, a WP core sidebar for displaying the menu and more to come.
Some common portal pages. Enter their existing ID or enter # to bulk create them.
Display forum content in the portal to encourage traffic to flow between portal and forum.
Why does portal does not display my chosen custom sidebar?
Your theme may not support dynamic sidebars. The theme author may need to add the dynamic_sidebar() function
to the sidebar.php file in your themes folder. See more information here:
Can I display multiple custom/dynamic sidebars in one portal?
Yes – it is possible but I may need to add support for your theme. It depends on the custom ID values being passed
to the dynamic_sidebar() function. Adding support for your theme will not take long at all so please drop a comment in the plugins
As a WebTechGlobal subscriber can I get higher priority support for this plugin?
Yes – subscribers are put ahead of my Free Workflow and will not only result in a quicker response for support
but requests for new features are marked with higher priority.
Can I hire you to customize the plugin for me?
Yes – you can pay to improve the plugin to suit your needs. However many improvements will be done free.
Please post your requirements on the plugins forum first before sending me Paypal or Bitcoins. If your request is acceptable
within my plans it will always be added to the WTG Tasks Management plugin which is part of my workflow system. The tasks
priority can be increased based on your WebTechGlobal subscription status, donations or contributions you have made.
Did WTG Portal Manager change one of my posts sidebars that I already set manually?
I added this FAQ while creating the plugin because I’m allowing it to force a change to sidebar
that may have been done manually. Some users will want this but I’m ready to work with the users
who want something else. If you selected a special sidebar for your post/page manually on the Edit Post
screen. You may find that it is changed by WTG Portal Manager if you then assign that post or page to
a portal with a different main sidebar set. This scenario would indicate that you want/need the post to
display widgets from two different sidebars. There may be a solution so please raise your situation on
the plugins forums.
- Feature Changes
- None
- Technical Changes
- Bug fixed.
- Feature Changes
- Developer menu for Admin Bar is now displayed on the frontside/public.
- Ability to delete caches on a current view from the Developer menu.
- Technical Changes
- class-globalui.php added and the class contains the developer menu which was moved from class-adminui.php.
- Feature Changes
- Incorrect text replaced on Create New Portal Page form.
- New page purposes added: information, steps, datatable, index and people.
- Added link to notice for creation of new portal page.
- Technical Changes
- A shortcode like [portalupdate timeline=”WebTechGlobal”] now works better as the timeline value over-rides all others.
- Feature Changes
- New tab added to Build section named Pages Table. Lists a portals pages and possible pages.
- Technical Changes
- None
- Work In Progress
- Current Portal Selection menu on main page defaults to the first item.
- Too many configuration values are being stored in the settings array. Starting with sidebars move them to individual options.
- Serialize API credentials using key stored in plugin.
- Need a way to delete values in a form and reset it.
- Add functionality to the portal information in head of pages i.e. link to the portal, quick tools.
- Allow more than one Twitter account to be used on Updates list.
- Default values on Create Portal menus might be the cause of security warnings.
- Developer widget – will include portal ID and functionality for quickly changing portal.
- Setup a Trello account for this project.
- Feature Changes
- None
- Technical Changes
- User created sidebars are now stored in option “wtgportalmanager_sidebars”.
- Work In Progress
- Current Portal Selection menu on main page defaults to the first item.
- Too many configuration values are being stored in the settings array. Starting with sidebars move them to individual options.
- Serialize API credentials using key stored in plugin.
- Need a way to delete values in a form and reset it.
- Add functionality to the portal information in head of pages i.e. link to the portal, quick tools.
- Allow more than one Twitter account to be used on Updates list.
- Default values on Create Portal menus might be the cause of security warnings.
- Developer widget – will include portal ID and functionality for quickly changing portal.
- Setup a Trello account for this project.
- Feature Changes
- None
- Technical Changes
- classes/class-adminui.php renamed to classes/class-adminui.php.
- New classes/class-publicui.php added.
- Bug fixed which was forcing default Twitter API credentials to be used.
- Work In Progress
- Current Portal Selection menu on main page defaults to the first item.
- Too many configuration values are being stored in the settings array. Starting with sidebars move them to individual options.
- Serialize API credentials using key stored in plugin.
- Need a way to delete values in a form and reset it.
- Add functionality to the portal information in head of pages i.e. link to the portal, quick tools.
- Allow more than one Twitter account to be used on Updates list.
- Default values on Create Portal menus might be the cause of security warnings.
- Developer widget – will include portal ID and functionality for quickly changing portal.
- Setup a Trello account for this project.
- Feature Changes
- Twitter API option added to Global Switches form.
- Technical Changes
- Fix for form submissions.
- Transient cache keys were not unique per portal. Portal ID has been added.
- Updates list shortcode no longer requires attributes.
- Updates list shortcode will focus on using project/portal data for now.
- Work In Progress
- Serialize API credentials using key stored in plugin.
- Need a way to delete values in a form and reset it.
- Allow more than one Twitter account to be used on Updates list.
- Default values on Create Portal menus might be the cause of security warnings.
- Developer widget – will include portal ID and functionality for quickly changing portal.