WPVN – Thumbnailer

This plugin helps you know how hooks are called and let you unload actions/filters (this is useful when you want to unload, not deactive, plugins base

Author:Minh Quan TRAN (aka link2caro - A member of WordPressVN) (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:2.0
WordPress version tested:2.9-rare
Plugin version:0.6.7
Added to WordPress repository:28-04-2009
Last updated:05-07-2009
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
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Plugin URI:http://link2caro.net/read/wpvn-thumbnailer/
Total downloads:2 086
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This plugin is destined to intermediate users.

It helps you find image that is attached to a post in this priority: - Custom field (name can be one of these: img, image, thumbnail) - Uploaded/Attached image

NOTE If you have allow_url_fopen you can get image from an URL Path for Custom Field to your uploaded files is: /year/month/image or /image (depends on your settings for upload directory)

Custom fields use these sets * (img, img_title, img_alt, img_class) -> CSS: img-[img_class] * (image, image_title, image_alt, image_class) -> CSS: image-[image_class] * (thumbnail, thumbnail_title, thumbnail_alt, thumbnail_class) -> CSS: thumbnail-[image_class] * The value of img_class or image_class or thumbnail_class is case non-sensitve (Ex: CSSClass will be cssclass) * case sensitive and non-permutable


To be used best in the Loop caro_the_image($post->ID); shows the custom-size image. caro_get_the_image($post->ID); returns the custom-size image HTML code. caro_the_image_url($post->ID); shows the URL of the custom-size image. caro_get_the_image_url($post->ID); returns the URL of the custom-size image.