A simple grid view calendar
How do I display the calender?
The calendar can be displayed in either a grid view or a list view using shortcodes in your posts and pages.
For grid view:
[wpscgrid category=”category-slug” location=”location-slug”]
For list view:
[wpsclist quantity=”5″ category=”category-slug”]
- Accidentally left a wp_die in the finished code. Derp.
- Replaced Custom Meta Boxes library with CMB2
- Replaced dates stored as text with unix timestamps
- Updated list view to show all future events if no quantity is set
- Reworked grid view display code for efficiency
- Created a more efficient and accurate method of querying for events in the wpsclist shortcode
- Added an Event Start Date column to the admin screen
- Updated Colorbox javascript
- Fixed the wpsclist shortcode so that it works
- Fix a date/time bug (using WordPress current_time() function instead of PHP date() function to get current date)
- Cleaned up some invalid HTML code
- Shortened table headings to make the grid view more mobile display friendly
- Fixed IE javascript bug that broke previous / next buttons on grid view calendar
- Added ajax for previous / next month navigation
- Fixed a bug on pop-up if no location was selected
- Fixed issue with single page pulling incorrect location (thanks numeeja)
- Updated single page to use site’s date format (thanks numeeja)