WP PostNow

WP PostNow can encourage posts in the automated email on a regular schedule.

Author:moritaku (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.1.0
WordPress version tested:3.5.2
Plugin version:1.5.0
Added to WordPress repository:05-07-2013
Last updated:13-07-2013
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:60
Rated by:2
Plugin URI:http://blog.duffytoy.com/plugin
Total downloads:884
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WP PostNow can encourage posts in the automated email on a regular schedule!

It is possible setting various.
* Delivery terms of email alerts
* Check and Mail delivery interval
* Mail delivery time
* Select the FuturePosts option(on/off)
* Send mail user
* Add Carbon copy mail
* Mail sender display name
* Sender address
* Enter the subject
* Enter the body

If you are not setting anything, a lower setting is assigned.
(You can use it right now without any configuration)
* Mail delivery interval (One week)
* Check and Mail delivery interval (1day)
* Mail delivery time (AM10:00)
* Select the FuturePosts option(on)
* Send mail user (Administrator)
* Add Carbon copy mail (None)
* Mail sender display name (WP-PostNow)
* Sender address (postnow@yourdomain)
* Enter the subject ('your SiteName' post is stagnated.)
* Enter the body ('your SiteName'[ 'your siteAddress' ] Let's post the article right now)

Please note that there is a possibility that can not receive the mail site address and spf record and DNS settings are not set.
