WP Job Manager

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Manage job listings from the WordPress admin panel, and allow users to post jobs directly to your site.

Author:Automattic (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:6.4
WordPress version tested:6.6.1
Plugin version:2.4.0
Added to WordPress repository:11-07-2013
Last updated:08-08-2024
Rating, %:88
Rated by:233
Plugin URI:https://wpjobmanager.com/
Total downloads:4 503 637
Active installs:90 000+
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WP Job Manager is a lightweight job listing plugin for adding job board functionality to your WordPress site. Being shortcode based, it can work with any theme (given a bit of CSS styling) and is really simple to setup.


  • Add, manage, and categorize job listings using the familiar WordPress UI.
  • Searchable & filterable ajax powered job listings added to your pages via shortcodes.
  • Frontend forms for guests and registered users to submit & manage job listings.
  • Allow job listers to preview their listing before it goes live. The preview matches the appearance of a live job listing.
  • Each listing can be tied to an email or website address so that job seekers can apply to the jobs.
  • Searches also display RSS links to allow job seekers to be alerted to new jobs matching their search.
  • Allow logged in employers to view, edit, mark filled, or delete their active job listings.
  • Job statistics for employers about job listing views and search impressions.
  • Developer friendly code – Custom post types, endpoints & template files.

The plugin comes with several shortcodes to output jobs in various formats, and since its built with Custom Post Types you are free to extend it further through themes.

Read more about WP Job Manager.


Documentation for the core plugin and extensions can be found on the docs site here. Please take a look before requesting support because it covers all frequently asked questions!


For a real-life example site, check out jobs.blog, built by the WP Job Manager team! To try out the plugin in an expendable demo site, click the Live Preview button above.


The core WP Job Manager plugin is free and always will be. It covers all functionality we consider ‘core’ to running a simple job board site.

Additional, advanced functionality is available through extensions. Not only do these extend the usefulness of the core plugin, they also help fund the development and support of core.

You can browse available extensions after installing the plugin by going to Job Manager > Marketplace. Our popular extensions include:


Allow candidates to apply to jobs using a form & employers to view and manage the applications from their job dashboard.

WooCommerce Paid Listings

Paid listing functionality powered by WooCommerce. Create custom job packages which can be purchased or redeemed during job submission. Requires the WooCommerce plugin.

Resume Manager

Resume Manager is a plugin built on top of WP Job Manager which adds a resume submission form to your site and resume listings, all manageable from WordPress admin.

Job Alerts

Allow registered users to save their job searches and create alerts which send new jobs via email daily, weekly or fortnightly.

Job Manager Pro Bundle

You can get the above extensions and several others at discount with our WPJM Pro Bundle. Take a look!

Contributing and reporting bugs

You can contribute code to this plugin via GitHub: https://github.com/Automattic/WP-Job-Manager and localizations via https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-job-manager

Thanks to all of our contributors.


Use the WordPress.org forums for community support where we try to help all users. If you spot a bug, you can log it (or fix it) on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently.

If you need help with one of our extensions, please raise a ticket in our help desk.

If you want help with a customization, please consider hiring a developer! http://jobs.wordpress.net/ is a good place to start.
