WP Custom HTML Page

Display full custom HTML on custom permalink address, or put it inside content as a shortcode.

Author:Milos Stojanovic (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.6.1
WordPress version tested:5.5.5
Plugin version:0.6.2
Added to WordPress repository:19-11-2017
Last updated:19-09-2020
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:86
Rated by:3
Plugin URI:https://wit.rs/wordpress-plugins/wp-custom-ht...
Total downloads:11 905
Active installs:1 000+
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Multisite support added in v0.6!

Notice: this plugin will not have further major updates. If interested in new features, please upgrade into this compatible replacement: https://wit.rs/wp-plugins/wit-custom-output
After uninstalling the WPCHTMLP and installing WIT Custom Output, your old custom pages will still work, but with better interface, more features and regular updates.

WP Custom HTML Pages plugin has two functionalities:

1 – Create a custom HTML document output at a custom permalink address, completely bypassing WordPress templating. This is useful in cases when you just want to output some HTML without uploading the page to the server.

2 – Create a shortcode which outputs your custom HTML.
