WP Backupware

WP Backupware is one of the easiest ways to backup your WordPress website.

Author:wpbackupware (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.8.1
WordPress version tested:3.8.1
Plugin version:1.2.1
Added to WordPress repository:23-01-2014
Last updated:08-02-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:80
Rated by:2
Plugin URI:http://wpbackupware.com
Total downloads:1 927
Active installs:80+
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WP Backupware is a backup plugin that has to be the easiest and most effective tool for backing up your WordPress website. The plugin is designed for use with WordPress's new design introduced in 3.8. It has the looks along with the punch. Don't take our word for it. Check it out for yourself.

The plugin is very simple to use and navigate and does not need any set up for it to work. WP Backupware creates full system backups with just one click. You can then download or remove the backup right from the dashboard. It truly does not get much more simpler than this.


  1. Create a full or database backup.
  2. Enable Daily, Weekly and Monthly backups
  3. Enable if and who gets notification when a backup is created.
  4. Compression of backups for easy handling.
  5. *Restore and Migrate backups are in the works. As soon as the latest version is stable we will be adding the restore and migration feature


This plugin comes with free as well as premium support (if needed). We have established a community support forum which can be used at any time.

Visit our support forums at http://wpbackupware.com/support/community-forums/

NOTE: Support requests posted at http://wordpress.org will have a delay and we can not promise will be able to respond in a timely manner. All support requests should be redirected to our support forums http://wpbackupware.com/support/community-forums/