Custom Avatars for WordPress

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This plugin will give visitors an
avatar theme of your choice if they don't have a Gravatar

Author:Sherice Jacob & Fahad Murtaza (profile at
WordPress version required:3.3
WordPress version tested:6.2.2
Plugin version:1.2
Added to WordPress repository:11-01-2012
Last updated:30-05-2023
Rating, %:80
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:9 170
Active installs:20+
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The Custom Avatars plugin allows you to give visitors a custom avatar theme if they don’t have a Gravatar. It was developed by iElectrify and Fahd Murtaza.

Simply install the Custom Avatars plugin by following these steps:

  1. Upload the ‘custom-avatars’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory of your WordPress installation.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

If your WordPress theme does not support avatars (which is rare), you can manually add the following snippet of code where you want the avatars to appear:

<?php get_avatar(); ?>

Avatars should be sized at 48×48 pixels. You can use a free graphics viewer/resizer such as IrfanView (available at to resize your avatars. For themed icons that are free for personal and commercial use, visit

Once you have your avatars ready, upload them to the ‘custom-avatars/images’ folder in your WordPress plugins area. That’s it! Enjoy!


Allow your visitors to:
* Use custom random avatars instead of the default Gravatars.


If you encounter any issues with this plugin, please send an email to or post on the WordPress support forum for this plugin.
