Woo Add Custom States

A plugin used to add custom states or regions to any country which can be used during setting the shipping zones.

Author:Trusted Technology Solutions (TrusTech) (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.5
WordPress version tested:5.9.2
Plugin version:1.8.5
Added to WordPress repository:13-12-2016
Last updated:26-03-2022
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:86
Rated by:11
Plugin URI:https://www.trustech.net/product/add-custom-s...
Total downloads:9 592
Active installs:700+
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This is a plugin to customize your states. After the introduction of Shipping Zones by Woocommerce and as not all countries have implemented the zip-code system, you may need to add custom states or even split some states under regions to easily use in Shipping Zones configuration. This is what exactly this plugin do.

The FREE version will allow you to choose any country you already stated in your Woocommerce settings as ‘Allowed Country’ to sell and ship to, and add any number of states you want. Very simple and straight forward.

The PREMIUM version will allow you to add any number of states to any country you identified as ‘Allowed Country’ in your Woocommerce store setup. Also, it will allow you to manipulate the states that already come with Woocommerce for some countries such as the US. You will able to add or delete as you see required.

The beauty of this plugin that it doesn’t change the main states files that come with Woocommerce and you can always revert to original states by deactivating the plugin if you want at any time.

The free version is free to use with any number of sites and any number of states but just for a single country as stated earlier.

Please, if you find this plugin helpful, consider to buy the premium version which will help us to continue the development and provide you with new plugins. ????
