Widget or Sidebar Shortcode

Use widgets or sidebars per shortcode in the content area from pages/posts

Author:Frank Staude (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.0
WordPress version tested:4.0
Plugin version:0.6.1
Added to WordPress repository:12-09-2012
Last updated:13-09-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:2
Plugin URI:http://staude.net/wordpress/plugins/WidgetSid...
Total downloads:21 836
Active installs:1 000+
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This plugin implements 2 new shortcodes.

[widget name="" classname='' instance=""] to use a widget per shortcode in the content area from a page/post.

name is the name of the widget, e.g. Calendar. classname is the name of the PHP Class that implement the widget. You can use name or classname.

So are [widget name="Kalender" instance="title=Hello,World!"] and [widget classname="WP_Widget_Calendar" instance="title=Hello,World!"] produce the same output.

instance are the attributs of the widget. e.g. title=Hello,World! so the complete shortcode is [widget name="Calendar" instance="title=Hello,World!"]

For the instance list of the WordPress builtin Widgets look at http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_widget For other Widgets look at the source code from the widget or ask the widget author.

[sidebar name=""] to use a sidebar (with all widgets) in the content area from a page/post.

name is the name of the sidebar e.g. Showcase Sidebar so the complete shortcode is [sidebar name="Showcase Sidebar"]

For own css styling, the plugin wraps the widgets in < div id="Widget_Name" class="widget_shortcode"> and the sidebar in < div id="Sidebar_Name" class="sidebar_shortcode">

If your want report a bug or a feature, please use http://bugs.staude.net

Entrys in the changelog with numbers means the ticket id on http://bugs.staude.net