WebStartAvenue Endnotes

Add endnotes to your posts or pages using shortcodes.

Author:WebStartAvenue (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.0
WordPress version tested:3.3.2
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:31-01-2012
Last updated:09-02-2012
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:2
Plugin URI:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/webstarta...
Total downloads:913
Active installs:50+
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Use Endnotes to cite sources or provide in-depth explanations in your posts or pages. All the functionality is provided by an easy to use shortcode. To insert an endnote, use any of the following formats:

[endnote This is an example endnote!]

[end This is another alias for endnotes!]

[note Last one!]

For each of the above shortcodes you can also use the open/close syntax which looks like:

[note]Don't forget to close your endnote shortcodes.[/note]

Each of the above shortcodes does the same thing:

1) Replaces the text by a number, in the order they appear in the document, starting at 1.

2) Places a note at the bottom, in an ordered list corresponding to the number placed in the content's text.

3) Links the endnote and text reference using anchor tags for easy clicking between references and back to the text.

All styles can be customized by adding appropriate CSS styles to your theme.