Web Tripwire

Detects in-flight modifications to the HTML, then notifies users, and weblog administrators.

Author:Nathan L. Reynolds (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:2.7.1
WordPress version tested:2.7.1
Plugin version:0.1.1
Added to WordPress repository:10-05-2009
Last updated:18-05-2009
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:http://blog.yibble.org/webtripwire/
Total downloads:408
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A Web Tripwire is a mechanism which compares the web server’s view of a web-site, with the client’s view of the web-site, if the two are different, then the page has possibly been altered in transit. The alteration may have occurred at any point in the transit of the page, sometimes with the user’s consent, sometimes without. Web Tripwires should not be thought of as a security control, but as a feedback mechanism to assist users in making informed choices about their Internet connectivity and their security process.

This plugin will apply additional stress to your WordPress blog’s resources, as additional transfers, and database queries are made. You should be aware of the potential additional load this will place on your hosting resources.