Upkepr Maintainance

The best WordPress plugin to get inforation about wordpress core, plugins and themes by rest apis

Author:WebGarh Solutions (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.9
WordPress version tested:6.4.3
Plugin version:1.0.0
Added to WordPress repository:04-04-2024
Last updated:04-04-2024
Rating, %:0
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Total downloads:60
Active installs:20+
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Upkepr Maintainance plugin is providing information about wordpress site health. It will show the information of core wordpress, plugins and themes.
It has 5 apis.

Note: Validation key is auto generate on wordpress site on Activtion of the plugin. This validation key and domain name (base domain where wordpress installed ) is used for authentication.

  1. {domainname}/wp-json/upkepr-isKeyValid/key /* to check if key is valide */
    i. content type: json
    ii. “Upkeprvalidationkey”: {vaidation key}
    iii. “Upkeprvalidationdomain”: {base domainname}

  2. {domainname}/wp-json/upkepr-is_keydomainusername_valid/data /* to check if key, domain and username is valide */
    i. content type: json
    ii. “Upkeprvalidationkey”: {vaidation key}
    iii. “Upkeprvalidationdomain”: {base domainname}
    i. “username”: {Username or Email of the user}

  3. {domainname}/wp-json/upkepr-wpinfo/wpinfo /* to get wp infomation data */
    i. content type: json
    ii. “Upkeprvalidationkey”: {vaidation key}
    iii. “Upkeprvalidationdomain”: {base domainname}
    i. “username”: {Username or Email of the user}

  4. {domainname}/wp-json/upkepr-gettoken/byusername /* to get token */
    i. content type: json
    ii. “Upkeprvalidationkey”: {vaidation key}
    iii. “Upkeprvalidationdomain”: {base domainname}
    i. “username”: {Username or Email of the user}

  5. {domainname}/wp-json/upkepr-getloginurl/byusername /* to get login url */
    i. content type: json
    ii. “Upkeprvalidationkey”: {vaidation key}
    iii. “Upkeprvalidationdomain”: {base domainname}
    iv. Authorization token: {bearer token}
    i. “username”: {Username or Email of the user}