Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Support Ticket enables you to easily create your own ticket system on your WordPress page. Users can submit tickets, ticket agents can answer tickets, change the ticket status, enter private notes. With a shortcode, you can display the create ticket form on the frontend. Visitors who are not logged in will be registered, or – if the submitted email address exists in the database – asked to login.
Administrators can change the ticket agents and configure the plugin. You can define an HTML email template, which will be used for the correspondence with your clients. You can extend the ticket form with textfields and selectboxes of your own.
The plugin comes with dozens of filter and action hooks which enable your developer to extend the plugins functionality, so they fit exactly your needs.
After installing the plugin, you will find a new section in your admin menu, called “Tickets”. Go to the sub section “Settings” and follow the instructions there. After you have configured the plugin create a new page, where you can use the shortcode [ticket_create] to display the ticket create form.