Stumbleupon & Digg Thumbnail Maker

Stumbleupon & Digg Thumbnail Maker allows you to specifically select a thumbnail for a post when it is submitted to some social media sites.

Author:Philip Ze (profile at
WordPress version required:2.5
WordPress version tested:3.0.5
Plugin version:1.1
Added to WordPress repository:17-08-2010
Last updated:30-07-2011
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Stumbleupon & Digg Thumbnail Maker is a simple WordPress plugin that allows you to specifically select a thumbnail for a post when your post is submitted to some social media sites.

StumbleUpon for example, it automatically create a thumbnail & attach to users 'favorite' when the web page is submitted. However, it does not always create a image thumbnail as what we want. Sometime, it just capture the whole web page or even takes the image ad on your page & use it as thumbnail.

Use this plugin to insert some image & html herder tags into the post for the social media sites like Stumbleupon or Digg to pick up.

Here are some features that come with this plugin:

  1. The plugin will ONLY inserts the thumbnail image specify by you on the fly right before the contents when your post is submitted to Stumbleupon. At all other times, the thumbnail image is not included in your post.
  2. A header tag is inserted to the header of your post for Digg submission.
  3. You can switch to javascript instead of php for Stumbleupon website detection. This is useful when you have other cache plugin installed, such as 'WP Super Cache', etc. as most of the time your web pages are static.
  4. You can specify different thumbnail image for different post.

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