Prevent Indexing on Non-Live Sites

Prevent your WordPress website from being indexed by search engines when it's not on the live site.

Author:tex0gen (profile at
WordPress version required:4.6
WordPress version tested:6.2.3
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:28-11-2023
Last updated:28-11-2023
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:134
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This WordPress plugin ensures that search engine indexing is automatically turned OFF if the site’s URL doesn’t match the provided live site URL. It’s especially useful for development and staging environments, where you might not want content to be indexed by search engines.

– Automatically turns off search engine indexing for non-live sites.
– Provides an admin settings page to specify the live site URL.
– Displays an admin notice if indexing has been turned off due to URL mismatch.
– Encodes the live site URL to prevent inadvertent changes when using migration tools.
– Admin notice prompts for setting the live site URL if it hasn’t been configured yet.


  1. After activating the plugin, go to the admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> Prevent Indexing.
  3. Enter your live site URL in the provided input field and save.
  4. If the current site’s URL doesn’t match the provided live site URL, search engine indexing will be turned off, and an admin notice will inform you of the same.


GPLv2 or later
