SS Downloads

Embed forms in your pages and posts that accept an email address in exchange for a file download.

Author:Jason Coleman (profile at
WordPress version required:3.8
WordPress version tested:3.8.1
Plugin version:1.5
Added to WordPress repository:29-07-2010
Last updated:21-01-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:80
Rated by:10
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:24 953
Active installs:100+
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Adds a short code like [download file="path_to_file"] that embeds a form in the post asking for an email address before showing a link to a file for download. Great for promoting white papers and other digital assets on your site.

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The plugin works in 3 parts.

  1. The short code to add the form to your pages.

  2. The logic to check (using session variables) if the user has provided an email address before showing either the email capture form or the download link.

  3. A script to serve files securely. It checks for the same session variable before delivering the file. Files can be located outside the web directory or servered from the uploads folder, etc, with an obfuscated URL.

The look of the email and download forms can be changed by copying files from the /css/ and /templates/ folder of the plugin into your active theme folder. Rename the files ssd-original_file_name.php/css (e.g. ssd-download.php or ssd-ss-downloads.css) and edit as needed.
