CDN Speed Cache

The one-click speed boost to your WordPress site. Decreases load on your web server, improves serving speed; configures the CDN for you.

Author: (profile at
WordPress version required:2.7
WordPress version tested:4.0
Plugin version:2.0.6
Added to WordPress repository:15-09-2011
Last updated:09-10-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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CDN Speed Cache is a WordPress plugin is designed to enable advanced level CDN caching services that are typically leveraged by medium to large businesses. With this simple plugin you can enjoy site accelleration through cloud caching!

This plugin is based on the CDN-Linker plugin by Mark Kubacki. This version of the plugin includes easypay through Paypal and a one-click setup for those who aren't interested in dealing with all of the fancy configuration that other plugins require. This plugin uses the most well recognized settings to optimize the viewer experience using methods that have the lowest possible chance of interfering with other plugins. You don't have to worry about it, we have it under control!

This plugin installs in 1 minute and takes effect in approximately 35 minutes because of the DNS propagation that needs to occur before caching can begin on the CDN. When the plugin gives all green OK message, the CDN begins caching. Approximately 15 minutes to one hour later the site will be fully accellerated assuming DNS propagates to all users within that time frame.

This plugin currently features the Edgecast CDN and features this top-tier CDN's nodes all over the world, not just the United States as many of the other plugins do. This plugin is ideal for anyone who has web visitors from Europe, North America, South America, Japan, China or Australia. This plugin truely gives you global reach with your website!

Keep an eye out for other versions of this tool featuring other CDNs!