Spectacu.la Advanced Search

Changes the WordPress search queries to provide more relevant results more
efficiently and with options to influence the results.

Author:Interconnect IT, James R Whitehead (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:2.7.0
WordPress version tested:2.9.2
Plugin version:1.0.3
Added to WordPress repository:15-04-2010
Last updated:15-04-2010
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
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Plugin URI:http://spectacu.la
Total downloads:2 560
Active installs:10+
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This plug-in provides you with more relevant search results than are currently available to the normal WordPress search and it should also do so with less of a performance hit on the db than the normal WordPress search. We use the MySQL commands MATCH () AGAINST () as opposed to WordPress’ use of LIKE to do our queries which are not as heavy on the db. The only issue we have with “match against” is that we need an index on the columns we intend to search on.
