Sort Settings Menu

Arrange the items in the "Settings" menu of the WordPress admin in alphabetical order.

Author:Functions File, Barry Ceelen (profile at
WordPress version required:4.6
WordPress version tested:6.4.1
Plugin version:1.0.1
Added to WordPress repository:15-02-2023
Last updated:13-11-2023
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:879
Active installs:20+
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The “Settings” section in the WordPress admininistration menu can become confusing when there are multiple plugins installed. Sort Settings Menu helps by organizing the “Settings” sub-level menu items in alphabetical order, making it easier to find the correct settings page.

To use Sort Settings Menu, there are only two things you need to do: install and activate the plugin. Sort Settings Menu automatically sorts the “Settings” menu in alphabetical order without any extra configuration. Sort Settings Menu also works great as a must-use plugin.

Bug Reports

Do you want to report a bug or suggest a feature for Sort Settings Menu? Best to do so in the Sort Settings Menu repository on GitHub.
