
Place [simple_money_button] shortcodes in your WordPress site.

Author:kuopassa (profile at
WordPress version required:5.1.0
WordPress version tested:6.1.1
Plugin version:0.3
Added to WordPress repository:25-03-2019
Last updated:28-01-2023
Rating, %:80
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:659
Active installs:10+
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Create one or more shortcodes for accepting Bitcoin SV payments through Money Button. A shotcode looks like:

[simple_money_button to=”” amount=”0.01″ currency=”USD” type=”tip”]

a) Variable “to” should be either a Money Button username, a Paymail address, or a Bitcoin SV address.
b) Variable “amount” should use a period as decimal separator.
c) Currency can be either fiat currency code, like USD, or digital currency code, like BSV.
d) Variable “type” can be either “tip” or “buy”.
e) Quotes in the shortcode should be basic quotes, not curly.

Available attributes, their default values, and data types:

to = empty (string)
amount = 1 (string)
currency = USD (string)
label = empty (string)*
successmessage = Thank you! (string)
hideamount = false (boolean)
buttonid = empty (string)
type = tip (string)
editable = false (boolean)
disabled = false (boolean)
devmode = false (boolean)

*) max. 20 characters including amount length.

More information about Money Button is available at:
