Artiss Draft List

Artiss Draft List (formerly Simple Draft List) will display a list of the titles of your posts/pages that have not yet been published.

Author:David Artiss (profile at
WordPress version required:2.0.0
WordPress version tested:2.8.1
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:28-02-2010
Last updated:28-02-2010
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:92
Rated by:5
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Total downloads:8 428
Active installs:70+
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This is a very useful way to display the titles of your drafts posts and pages – maybe as a “coming soon” teaser for

To display the list on your site you will need to insert the following code, where appropriate, into your themeā€¦

<?php simple_draft_list('parameters'); ?>

Where parameters is an optional list of parameters, each seperated by an ampersand (&)

These are as follows…

limit= : The maximum number of draft items to display. The default is 0, which is unlimited. A limit of just 1 will cause the <li> tags not to be used, allowing you to embed the result in a sentence.

type= : This allows you to limit the results to either posts or pages. The default is both.

order= : This is the sequence that you’d like to order the results in. It consists of 2 codes – the first is either t or d to represent the title or date and the second is a or d for ascending or descending. Therefore order=td will display the results in descending title sequence. The default is descending date.

The plugin will then display the list as an HTML list (i.e. with <li> and </li> around each entry).

An example would be…

<?php simple_draft_list('limit=5&type=posts&order=da'); ?>

This would display a list of up to 5 draft posts in ascending date sequence.

The following is an example of how it could be used in the sidebar, with a function_exists check so that it doesn’t cause problems if the plugin is not active…

<?php if (function_exists('simple_draft_list')) : ?>
<h2>Coming Soon</h2>
<ul><?php simple_draft_list('limit=5&type=posts&order=da'); ?></ul>
<?php endif; ?>

If you wish to omit a page or post from the list then you can do this by simply giving the post/page a title beginning with an exlamation mark. You can then remove this before publishing the page/post.
