Recommend Referral, Integration Plugin

Recommend Referral is an integration referral plugin for WordPress, integrated with the Woocommerce shop and based on an external API service.

Author:Recommend Inc. (profile at
WordPress version required:4.6
WordPress version tested:6.2.5
Plugin version:1.3.11
Added to WordPress repository:14-09-2022
Last updated:29-05-2023
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:1 870
Active installs:20+
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Recommend Marketing is a flexible and easy to use integration plugin that allows you to integrate your Woocommerce store with Recommend platform using Recommend API service.

Input your Recommend Marketing API key and select the mode of operation. Find your API Key within the Integration module in Recommend.

The plugin integrates into woocommerce hooks on the product page, cart, payment and payment confirmation.

By using additional parameters in the product link, the plugin catches campaigns on the Recommend platform.

After a successful product purchase, the plugin communicates with the Recommend API service and checks for conversions.

If you are testing plugin set “Testing?” checkbox to true. In testing mode, plugin will send referral check after adding product to cart.
