Recently Popular

Displays the most popular posts based on history from now to X amount of time in the past.

Author:Eric Biven, Caio Costa (profile at
WordPress version required:2.7.0
WordPress version tested:3.2.1
Plugin version:0.7.2
Added to WordPress repository:04-12-2008
Last updated:04-09-2011
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:87
Rated by:18
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:31 647
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New in 0.7:

  • Network (MU) compatibility.
  • Fixed bugs related to posts in multiple categories.

This popularity plugin differs from the ones currently in the directory because it returns the number of views from the current time back to a user-requested time and does not require a stats package. For instance they can show the most viewed posts from the past 4 days, or 7 hours, 3 months, etc. Post/page views age and can "expire" instead of being counted into perpetuity.

It includes a widget that supports a user definable number of hours or days or weeks or months as well as a limit on the number of results to show. The plugin URL shows a screenshot of the widget which makes it much clearer.

This widget allows the user full control over what each result looks like and also allows users to select posts only from specific categories.

The widget is capable of being added multiple times to the same sidebar.