Recent Post Thumbnail Slider Widget

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This plugin provides you recent post slider widget that allows you to display featured image of any posts and pages in widgetized sidebar as slider ef

Author:Kundan Yevale (profile at
WordPress version required:3.0
WordPress version tested:3.6.1
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:05-05-2013
Last updated:18-09-2013
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:98
Rated by:9
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Total downloads:22 256
Active installs:200+
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Recent post thumbnail slider widget plug-in provides you post/page thumbnail slider that allows you to display featured image of any posts and pages in widgetized sidebar as slider effect. Great ability to customize slider with slider options, post management options.

User can slide recent post by give sort by date option. Even user can give specific category ids, post ids, what they want to display in slider.

  • Multiple slider effect, slider effect like (fade, move, random).
  • Ability to give slider speed.
  • Option to give slider auto run.
  • Ability to give Hide/Unhide next previous button and
  • Ability to give opacity to Next/Previous button.
  • Option to give Thumbnail Dimension where you can change thumbnail height/width.
  • Choose the number of related items to show.
  • Ability to sort post by date, title, number of comments or can sort randomly.
  • Post slider can order by Ascending and Descending too.
  • Ability to Hide/Unhide post title.
  • Ability to change post title color (default color is white #FFFFFF). Just write the color code, what you want.
  • Can set post title position in the slider area with Top/Bottom position.
  • Ability of all custom post types.
  • Customize post slider display feature where you can give post and category IDS.
