reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce Checkout

Easily add Google reCAPTCHA to your WooCommerce Checkout.

Author:Elliot Sowersby, RelyWP (profile at
WordPress version required:4.7
WordPress version tested:6.7.1
Plugin version:1.3.6
Added to WordPress repository:07-06-2022
Last updated:29-11-2024
Rating, %:94
Rated by:54
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:134 075
Active installs:20 000+
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Easily add Google reCAPTCHA to WooCommerce checkout and forms to help prevent spam.

Supported Forms

You can currently enable the reCAPTCHA on the following forms:


  • Checkout
  • Login Form
  • Registration Form
  • Password Reset Form


  • Login Form
  • Registration Form
  • Password Reset Form

Getting Started

Simply generate your Google reCAPTCHA v2 site “key” and “secret” and add these to the settings.

Choose which forms you want it to show on, and set the theme to either dark or light.

A new reCAPTCHA WooCommerce field will then be displayed on your checkout, and other selected forms to protect them from spam!


The language for the WooCommerce reCAPTCHA will be automatically set based on your sites default language.

Is it free to use?

Yes, this plugin is completely free with no paid version.

Google reCAPTCHA is also a completely free service. You can view their privacy policy here and terms and conditions here.

Please consider helping out by leaving a review, or donate.

Alternative Plugin

Want a user-friendly, privacy-preserving reCAPTCHA alternative? Check out the Simple Cloudflare Turnstile plugin instead (100% free).
