— short description here —
Author: | wamasoftware (profile at wordpress.org) |
WordPress version required: | 5.0 |
WordPress version tested: | 6.4.2 |
Plugin version: | 2.0 |
Added to WordPress repository: | 27-11-2018 |
Last updated: | 17-01-2024 |
Rating, %: | 0 |
Rated by: | 0 |
Plugin URI: | |
Total downloads: | 775 |
Active installs: | 10+ |
Click to start download |
Product Explode plugin will give you the extension or extra panel on product menu on WordPress admin side. In that panel, you will be able to see the list of single products under Grouped product Image with labels on wordpress admin side. You can give the size and name of those labels. You can drag those labels from table to product image to link or highlight the area of the specific products in the grouped product. It will override the layout of single-product.php page of woocommerce plugin to show the extra product table with labels. It also shows the quantity and add to cart option from where you can directly add the product to your cart.
- Store administrator can handle the singles products with grouped product.
- The plugin will displays the number of labels according to those single products in table on WordPress side.
- Customer can highlight applicable products by clicking on special areas or links on the product image.
Product Explode Shortcodes