Points and Rewards with WooCommerce Blocks

Points and Rewards applying of points stopped working with WooCommerce Blocks. Using the shortcode provided in here, you can get full functionality ag …

Author:TheRiteSites (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.0
WordPress version tested:5.6.4
Plugin version:1.2.0
Added to WordPress repository:03-12-2020
Last updated:28-01-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Plugin URI:https://www.theritesites.com/plugins/action-r...
Total downloads:469
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With the release of WooCommerce Blocks, we have noticed a decrease in the plugins that are able to interact with the cart and checkout pages.
We created 4 shortcodes to help with all plugins, but specifically in this case, WooCommerce Points and Rewards!

The first shortcode is in relation to the WooCommerce Cart where Points and Rewards “Apply Points” would typically appear.
Put this above the “WooCommerce Cart” block.


The second shortcode, in relation to WooCommerce Checkout Area.
Put this above the “WooCommerce Checkout” block.


// Optional parameter old_coupon defaults to "no" to keep the old
// banner hidden. Use the following shortcode to display the old banner:
[points_and_rewards_above_checkout_area old_coupon="yes" ]

The following 2 shortcodes are not typically used by Points and Rewards, but offer a very similar functionality.
Put this below the “WooCommerce Cart” block.


Put this below the “WooCommerce Checkout” block.



For a more generalized usage, please see our sister plugin and inspiration for this plugin, Action Runner
