Gateway Addon for Swish Payment for GiveWP

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Gateway Addon for Swish Payment for GiveWP

Author:Proloy Bhaduri (profile at
WordPress version required:5.2
WordPress version tested:6.4.3
Plugin version:1.0.2
Added to WordPress repository:09-02-2023
Last updated:05-02-2024
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:537
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This plugin will add new payment gateway for GiveWP donation plugin . People who have access to swish app can donate using Swish .


  1. Seamless payment through Swish app in GiveWP
  2. Well maintained clean code
  3. Automatically redirect to donation confirmation or donation falied page based on payment status.

Configuration & Set up

  1. Generate password protected p12 file and upload to the server for production mode
  2. To use this plugin for production upload SwishCert.p12 file in the backend

Quick Notes & Links

  1. WordPress Tips and Tricks By Proloy Bhaduri
  2. Buy me a Coffee
