OpenID Connect Server

Use OpenID Connect to log in to other webservices using your own WordPress.

Author:WordPress.Org Community (profile at
WordPress version required:6.0
WordPress version tested:6.2.3
Plugin version:1.3.3
Added to WordPress repository:31-10-2022
Last updated:08-12-2023
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:3 688
Active installs:30+
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With this plugin you can use your own WordPress install to authenticate with a webservice that provides OpenID Connect to implement Single-Sign On (SSO) for your users.

The plugin is currently only configured using constants and hooks as follows:

Define the RSA keys

If you don’t have keys that you want to use yet, generate them using these commands:

openssl genrsa -out oidc.key 4096
openssl rsa -in oidc.key -pubout -out public.key

And make them available to the plugin as follows (this needs to be added before WordPress loads):

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----


Alternatively, you can also put them outside the webroot and load them from the files like this:

define( 'OIDC_PUBLIC_KEY', file_get_contents( '/web-inaccessible/oidc.key' ) );
define( 'OIDC_PRIVATE_KEY', file_get_contents( '/web-inaccessible/private.key' ) );

Define the clients

Define your clients by adding a filter to oidc_registered_clients in a separate plugin file or functions.php of your theme or in a MU-plugin like:

add_filter( 'oidc_registered_clients', 'my_oidc_clients' );
function my_oidc_clients() {
    return array(
        'client_id_random_string' => array(
            'name' => 'The name of the Client',
            'secret' => 'a secret string',
            'redirect_uri' => '',
            'grant_types' => array( 'authorization_code' ),
            'scope' => 'openid profile',

Exclude URL from caching

  • We implement caching exclusion measures for this endpoint by setting Cache-Control: 'no-cache' headers and defining the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant. If you have a unique caching configuration, please ensure that you manually exclude this URL from caching.

Github Repo

You can report any issues you encounter directly on Github repo: Automattic/wp-openid-connect-server
