Online Status inSL

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Allows you to show your Second Life online status on any WordPress blog (multiple widgets and shortcodes are possible)

Author:Gwyneth Llewelyn (profile at
WordPress version required:5.0
WordPress version tested:6.3.1
Plugin version:1.6.3
Added to WordPress repository:11-02-2011
Last updated:26-01-2022
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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This simple plugin with associated widget allows you to show your online status in Second Life® or any OpenSimulator grid.

It also includes a LSL script to place inside an in-world script, which is available from the Settings menu.

Warning: Versions 1.3.X and above are utterly incompatible with previous versions; you will need to add the new script to all your in-world scripted objects or your blog will not display the status at all!

Warning: Version 1.3.8 and above might make it impossible for you to delete old tracking objects. 1.4.0 adds a way to delete all of the tracking objects, but there have been plenty of changes that this simply might not work any longer.

Note: Versions before 1.4.0 are so old that I have deleted them from the WordPress repository.


To allow styling of the plugin, the following styles are emitted by the widget:

The whole content of the widget is included inside a <div class='osinsl'>

The text before the status is a span with class osinsl-before-status. The status itself is osinsl-status and the text afterwards is osinsl-after-status.

Status unknown (i.e. SL dataserver issues) is styled as osinsl-problems and the text for an unconfigured widget is styled osinsl-unconfigured.

The profile picture (if visible) will have the class osinsl-profile-picture. Users can set the horizontal alignment (using the standard alignleft, aligncenter, alignright classes) but nothing else. Size is limited to 80×80 (all this might be changed).

To style embedded shortcode, change the CSS class for osinsl-shortcode.


1.2 and onwards support shortcodes, to embed online status and SL profile pictures inside posts and pages.

The overall syntax is:

[osinsl avatar="<avatar name>" picture="[none|center|right|left]" status="[on|off]" profilelink="[on|off]"]


[osinsl objectkey="<UUID>" picture="[none|center|right|left]" status="[on|off]" profilelink="[on|off]"]

avatar should have a valid Second Life/OpenSimulator avatar name which has an associated online status indicator in SL/OpenSimulator. This will expand to show the online status (e.g. usually online, offline, or an error message if no widget was configured or if the avatar is not being tracked). Note that if you have avatars with the same name on different grids, this will just get you one of them.

objectkey should be the Object Key of an in-world online status tracking object. This should be used alternatively to avatar and is useful if you have several objects tracking your avatar across different grids, all for the same avatar name. Note that object keys may change over time (when they get copied, duplicated, taken back to inventory and rezzed again, etc.) so this should be used only as a last alternative, when you really have several avatars in different grids, all with the same name.

picture is optional and defaults to none (i.e. profile picture is not shown); if the user has set the Second Life web profile to be visible, this will retrieve their profile picture, and resize it to 80×80. Options are left, right, and center which will provide minimal formatting (additional styling requires CSS; image size is fixed for now; see the CSS section for more information). However, for the time being, pictures for avatars in OpenSimulator grids will not be displayed.

If the picture is set, status can be set to off (just show the picture but not the actual status).

If the picture is set, profilelink can be set to on (default is off) to link the picture to SL’s web profile page.
