Adds the ability to search through blogs into your WordPress Multisite installation.
Widget configuration.
Vertical Global Search widget.
Horizontal Global Search widget.
If you have any further questions, please submit them.
Can the search form be used with a shortcode in templates versus the widget?
Insert search form in templates using the shortcode: [multisite_search_form]
How can show horizontal form using the shortcode?
Use type
attribute to select vertical form or horizontal form. For example: [multisite_search_form type="horizontal"]
Default attribute value is vertical
How can change results page URI when you insert search form with the shortcode?
Use page
attribute to change results page URI. For example: [multisite_search_form page="multisite-search"]
. Search results will be showed in http://your_blog_URL/multisite-search.
Default attribute value is globalsearch
Can I put search form into PHP files using a function?
Yes. For example, this is a results page for word ‘e-learning’:
In this case, the name of the results page is ‘busqueda’ so the code that it will have to put in the PHP template must be:
<?php Multisite_Global_Search::ms_global_search_vertical_form('busqueda') ?>
Get error “check you have create views privilege in your WordPress database. Illegal mix of collations for operation ‘UNION'”.
The instruction means that you may not have given the necessary priviledges to your MySQL user. The user needs to be assigned the ability to “create views”.
Limit results to just the title and the excerpt
Edit results page and place [multisite_search_result excerpt="yes"]
in the post content area instead of [multisite_search_result]
Set the plugin to always perform searches also in pages
Check option “Search by default on pages” when you configure Multisite Global Search Widget.
If you use shortcode [multisite_search_form]
use search_on_pages
attribute to search by default on pages. For example: [multisite_search_form search_on_pages="1"]
Default attribute value is 0
Customizing search form
You have to copy the CSS code from the stylesheet in the Multisite Global Search directory, paste it in your own stylesheet and modify it.
Fixed: problems with wpdb::prepare()
- Improved searching on private or network-visible-only pages for users that are logged in.
- Removed private and network-visible-only results for users who are not logged in.
- Made other general improvements to the search process.
- Added customization capabilities for certain php processes and for css options.
- Added: Dutch language pack
- Added: Serbian language pack
- Added: Italian language pack
- Added: Slovak language pack
- Added: search multiple keywords regardless of the order
- Fixed: languages problem
- Added: Romanian language pack
- Fixed: SQL injection and XSS vulnerability
- Added: Portuguese language pack
- Added: German language pack
- Added: Administrative choice to disable search options
- Fixed: error message “The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns”
- Fixed: show up private posts
- Added: French language pack
- Added: Norwegian Bokmal language pack
- Changed: Administrative choice to perform searches by default on pages
- Fixed: empty excerpts
- Fixed: problems when you have upgraded from WPMU to WP3.0 Multisite
- Added: Russian language pack
- Fixed: windows paths
- Fixed: problemns with blog url
- Added: search on pages
- Changed: radio button to “search only blogs where I’m a member” is showed when user are logged in
- Fixed: Fatal error redeclared functions
- Added: deactivation hook. Clean database when the plugin is deactivated
- Changed: search form can be used into PHP files
- Fixed: database prefix problem
- Changed: translation files
- Added: error message when plugin installation faults
- Added: error message when permalink structure is “default”
- Fixed: error message when plugin is activated in a WordPress single installation
- Fixed: use constant BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE instead of 1
- Added: shortcode for search form
- Added: shortcode attribute that enable excerpted results
- Added: new strings to translation files
- Changed: order results
- Fixed: style for results page