Mos FAQs

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Mos FAQs plugin that lets you easily create, order and publicize FAQs using shortcodes.

Author:Md. Mostak Shahid (profile at
WordPress version required:5.0
WordPress version tested:6.7.1
Plugin version:2.0.3
Added to WordPress repository:26-12-2018
Last updated:13-11-2024
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
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Total downloads:1 333
Active installs:10+
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A simple FAQ plugin that lets you create FAQs, order FAQs, publicize FAQs, etc. It uses custom post types and taxonomies to manage an FAQ section for your site. You can display your every FAQ section in 3 different ways accordion, collapsible, and block view. Includes shortcode options for different display configurations.


  • Mos FAQs, with unlimited tag and category support
  • Create FAQ categories and tags
  • Create FAQ posts and assign categories and tags to them
  • Easy design layout to style your FAQ posts
  • Responsive FAQ design that looks great on all screen sizes
  • For advanced user additional CSS and JS input panel for adding custom scripts
  • And the most important thing it will not add any additional time on your page load time


Simply insert the above short-code into any page to display your FAQs.

Mos FAQs can do more than just FAQs. If you have a help desk or knowledge base and need to pass on information to your visitors and/or users, the question/answer formatting is perfect. With the various options related to toggling, as well as the custom fields functionality, you can easily create an in-depth knowledge base and help desk.

Mos FAQs has a responsive design that makes your FAQs look good on all screen sizes and all devices. No more worrying about what your mobile FAQs might look like. All options and styling will be applied across all devices, so you can focus on your content.

A few extra seconds could have a huge impact on your ability to engage visitors and make sales. This means that having a fast site is essential — not just for ranking well with Google, but for keeping your bottom-line profits high. So losing page speed for a plugin is a very pain full experience, by default Mos FAQs plugin fully optimized and it will not add any additional load into your website.



This short-code accepts a lot attributes, the attributes controls what to display and how to display your FAQs. Description of attributes in short is given below

  • limit: (int) – number of post to show. Use ‘limit’=>-1 to show all FAQs (the ‘offset’ parameter is ignored with a -1 value).
  • offset: (int) – number of post to displace or pass over. The ‘offset’ parameter is ignored when ‘limit’=>-1 (show all FAQs) is used.
  • category (string) – category ids separate by ,
  • tag (string) – tag ids separate by ,
  • order (string) – Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘orderby’ parameter. Defaults to ‘DESC’. An array can be used for multiple order/orderby sets.
    1. ‘ASC’ – ascending order from lowest to highest values (1, 2, 3; a, b, c).
    2. ‘DESC’ – descending order from highest to lowest values (3, 2, 1; c, b, a).
  • orderby (string) – Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to ‘date (post_date)’. One of ID, author, title, name, type, date, modified, parent, rand, comment_count these options can be passed.
  • author (int | string) – use author id or comma-separated list of IDs.
  • container (string) – Whether to wrap the FAQs section, and what to wrap it with. Default ‘div’.
  • container_class (string) – Class that is applied to the container.
  • class (string) – CSS class to use for the container of FAQs.
  • view (string) – One of accordion, collapsible, and block these options can be passed.
  • grid (int) – One of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 these options can be passed.
  • pagination (int) – If necessary then use 1 if not then leave this attribute or use 0.
  • singular (int) – If necessary then use 1 if not then leave this attribute or use 0.
