Plugin allows you to create categories for pages.
Plugin allows you to create categories for pages and display them as a widget.
All updates available in changlog section
Option under Pages section
Adding/List of Categories
Add Widget
Display Widget
List of Categories on "Add New" page
Add Widget ( view in 2.8.x WP version ), more options in plugin 2.1 version.
How can I display all or individual categories in a page not in the widget ?
In order to do it you need to enable php in your page body by exex-php plugin, then simply use below function:
mpc_widget_categories($title, $total, $expend, $category_names, $category_ids);
$title variable displays title name of page category and must be false or string.
$total variable, if set true it displays total pages in (n) next to the category name. Must be true or false.
$extend variable if set true, you won’t see a links under categories (added this for users request, you always should set false here), must be true or false.
$category_names variable must be an array with your pages names, correct format is:
array(‘Some Name’, ‘Another Name’);
$category_ids variable must be an array with your pages id’s, correct format is:
array(1, 2);
version 2.1 allow more options
mpc_widget_categories($title, $total, $expend, $category_names, $category_ids, $desc, $catpages_in_uncat)
$desc variable , if set to true the description under category name will be displayed
$catpages_in_uncat variable, if set to true, the pages belongs to the categories will be displayed under Uncategorized category.
version 2.2 – 10/08/2010
- get it working with wordpress 3.0.1 version
- fixed minor html formating bugs
version 2.1 – 10/21/2009
- added option to create a page for category !
- added option to display category description under category name
- added updateable category informations: name, description
- added option to display or not pages belongs to category under ‘Uncategorized’ category
version 2.0 – 10/16/2009
Added more featured for 2.8.x WP version, such us:
- changable name of the widget
- ability to show number of pages next to the ctagory name
- ability to expend/collapse links under categories
- select individual categories per widget
- usage php function
to show page categories on individual page. See instruction in Faq section.
- added “current” css class to li link tag if this post is on
Bug Fixed
* do not show not published pages links
version 1.2
- fixed several bugs displaying not existing category pages
- added order of displaying pages for category by post_title, changeable only in source code