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Managedorg Product Driver for Amazon Business Integration.

Author:Managedorg (profile at
WordPress version required:4.7
WordPress version tested:6.4.5
Plugin version:
Added to WordPress repository:09-11-2022
Last updated:15-11-2024
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:2 513
Active installs:10+
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Managedorg Product Driver Plugin is used to showcase campaigns and campaign requirements into wordpress website of charitable/non-profit organizations to list out requirements and wish lists for easy donation.


Upload the Managedorg – Product Driver plugin to your WordPress site, activate it, and then add shortcode to your wordpress site. That’s it!!!


General Campaign Listing

[MODD_LIST ids=”1″]

ids ---> ids —> Used to pass page IDs to show campaign

Campaign Listing from Specific Locations

[MODD_LIST ids=”1″ location=”NY,TY”]

ids ---> Used to pass page IDs to show campaign
location ---> For listing campaigns from specific locations. e.g., location="NY,TY"

List of available attribute in shortcode

location ---> For listing campaigns from specific locations. e.g., location="NY,TY"
tags ---> For listing campaigns from specific tags. e.g., tags="kids,medical"
campaign_id ---> For listing campaigns from specific campaign IDs. e.g., campaign_id="123,537"
blocked_campaign ---> For hiding campaigns from specific campaign IDs. e.g., blocked_campaign="123,537"
campaigns_per_page ---> Number of campaigns displayed on one page. Default is 6. e.g., campaigns_per_page="12". For displaying all campaigns, use campaigns_per_page="all"
products_per_page ---> Number of products displayed on a single campaign page. Default is 9. e.g., products_per_page="15". For displaying all products, use products_per_page="all"
helpwith_checkbox_text ---> Change 'Help with' checkbox text. e.g., helpwith_checkbox_text="my new text"
helpwith_label ---> Change 'Help with' checkbox label. e.g., helpwith_label="my new label"
helpwith_description ---> Change 'Help with' checkbox description. e.g., helpwith_description="my new description"
helpwith_enable ---> For removing 'Help With' checkbox. Use helpwith_description="0"

For Campaign Testing on Different Server or on Localhost

[MODD_LIST ids=”44″ server=”” admin=”” origin=””]

ids ---> Used to pass page IDs to show list
server ---> Contact Managedorg team to provide server parameter
admin ---> Contact Managedorg team to provide admin parameter
origin ---> Contact Managedorg team to provide origin parameter
