Mail Caesar!

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When activated, this plugin will send all email sent by WordPress to the admin email address instead of the intended recipient.

Author:Roy Tanck (profile at
WordPress version required:5.2
WordPress version tested:6.6
Plugin version:1.2.1
Added to WordPress repository:04-10-2019
Last updated:05-07-2024
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:1 642
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Redirect all email sent by WordPress to the admin’s email address.

When activated, this plugin will send all email sent by WordPress to the admin email address instead of the intended recipient.

It uses the wp_mail filter to modify the “to” address for all email sent by WordPress. When active, all email sent through WordPress’s wp_mail() function is rerouted to the admin email address as configured under “Settings – General”.

One of its uses is to allow the creation of new users during testing. WordPress requires user email addresses to be unique, and sends confirmation messages to these addresses. Using this plugin, you can use fake addresses, and still receive the activation links.
