Lightbox With Ads

Lightbox With Ads is a flexible and responsive lightbox that allows you to present images…

Author:World News Media s.r.o. (profile at
WordPress version required:5.5
WordPress version tested:6.1.1
Plugin version:1.0
Added to WordPress repository:03-01-2023
Last updated:09-01-2023
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:398
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Lightbox With Ads is a flexible and responsive lightbox that allows you to present images from post as one gallery in a different url.
You can purchase Premium that allows you to add ads from Google AdSense, or test the feature for free for 14 days.


You need to have permalinks set to “post name” in Settings -> Permalinks -> Common Settings

  1. Download the plugin to your WordPress site
  2. Install the plugin
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Customize the interface and appearance in Settings
  5. Paste ad code from Google Adsense (recommended size is 300×300 for mobile and 300×600 for desktop)
    Beacuse direct pasting of scripts is not allowed by WordPress, the pasted code has to be the exact code you copied from your Google AdSense account.

How the code should look
(the element will vary, but it HAS to have “data-ad-client” property, that should have the same ca-pub number as the script above it):

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
