Leverage FeatureBox

The Leverage FeatureBox widget converts website visitors into email subscribers.

Author:Zachary Smith | Increasing Leverage (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:3.5
WordPress version tested:4.2.3
Plugin version:1.1
Added to WordPress repository:12-02-2015
Last updated:02-08-2015
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:http://www.increasingleverage.com/leverage-fe...
Total downloads:959
Active installs:20+
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The Leverage FeatureBox widget enables you create beautiful opt-in/feature boxes to grow your email list and your business. It is the easiest way for you to create and test multiple calls to action anywhere on your WordPress website. You can drop the FeatureBox into any widgetized area in seconds. Or you can add it any other place else on your site by copying a few lines of code into your theme.

You don't need to know how to code to get great results with this responsive widget. The separate input areas for title, copy, and auto-responder code outputs on separate, double-spaced lines so you can quickly create a call to action without worrying about formatting.

What is a Feature Box?

A feature box (also commonly called an opt-in form or opt-in box) was originally named after the feature area on the homepage right beneath the header before any content. The Leverage FeatureBox Widget is different because it isn't limited to just the feature area of the homepage. It can be dropped in and configured for any widgetized area of your WordPress theme. It is responsive so it contracts or expands to fit any sized widget area.

Why you should use the Leverage FeatureBox Widget?

You worked hard to attract visitors to your website but very few people are ready to buy the first time they visit your website. Instead of having potential buyers leave your site never to return, ask them to opt-in to your email list or newsletter. The Leverage FeatureBox widget allows you to ask visitors to opt-in anywhere on your website. You’ll be able to make a call to action and grow your email list.

Is it difficult to create an Opt-in FeatureBox?

The Leverage FeatureBox is easy to use. You just drop it into the widget area, enter a title, fill out the copy/body text area, paste in your form code from your autoresponder company (like MailChimp or Aweber) that creates the email form and button, and upload your custom image in 4 simple steps.

Do you need anything else to get good results?

All you need is an image and a feature box area in your theme. The Leverage FeatureBox Plugin works in any widgetized area of your theme. But for those of you who don’t already have a feature box area in your them, I created a free example child theme and tutorial so you can adapt it to any theme you have. You can access the child theme and tutorial at https://increasingleverage.com/how-to-add-a-feature-box-to-your-wordpress-home-page/.