
Allows you to create a relationship between User Levels and Categories, so only users with a defined level will be able to post on a chosen category.

Author:LeoGermani (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:2.0
WordPress version tested:2.1
Plugin version:0.5
Added to WordPress repository:19-03-2007
Last updated:05-06-2007
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
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Plugin URI:http://www.pirex.com.br/wordpress-plugins/
Total downloads:2 475
Active installs:10+
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Permite que voc� relacione N�veis de Usu�rios a Categorias, fazendo com que somente usu�rios com um n�vel m�nimo possam publicar posts em determinada categoria. � �til para quem quer reservar uma categoria onde somente Editores ou Administradores (ou qualquer um que voc� escolher) poderem publicar.

Allows you to create a relationship between User Levels and Categories, so only users with a defined level will be able to post on a chosen category. Its useful if you want to reserve a category only for Editors or Administrators (or whoever you choose) to post on.