Just Output

WordPress automatically inserts p and br tags, but disables them in shortcodes.

Author:YAHMAN (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:4.8.9
WordPress version tested:6.5
Plugin version:0.9.7
Added to WordPress repository:26-01-2021
Last updated:20-03-2024
Rating, %:100
Rated by:1
Plugin URI:https://dev.back2nature.jp/en/just-output/
Total downloads:2 073
Active installs:200+
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When you enter the HTML code directly, the layout changes depending on the p and br tags that WordPress automatically inserts.

remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );

It can be solved by adding the above code.
However, this will disable all auto-inserted p and br tags.
It is not user-friendly.

This plugin can be partially disabled.

Just enter the part you want to disable in the shortcode.

[jo]your HTML code[/jo]

The author of this plugin loves text editors.
