
The Shortcode [jump_link] directs visitors to a Jump-Page where you can put adds and so on before the visitors will be directed to the requested page.

Author:Stefan Natter (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:2.5.x
WordPress version tested:2.9.x
Plugin version:2.0
Added to WordPress repository:21-04-2010
Last updated:07-05-2010
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:0
Rated by:0
Plugin URI:http://www.gb-world.net/jump-page/
Total downloads:2 749
Active installs:10+
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Adds a Shortcode [jump_link] which directs all external links to a Jump-Page [jump_page] where you can put adds, news, banner, information and other things before your visitors will be directed to their requested page after x seconds.

Fügt einen neuen Shortcode ein [jump_link] der alle externe (aber auch interne) Links auf eine sogenannte 'Jump-Page' [jump_page] (Deutsch: Weiterleitungsseite) umleitet auf der Sie Banner, Newsupadates, Werbung und andere Inhalte platzieren können bevor der User nach einer fest gelegten Zeit auf die gewünschte Seite geleitet wird.

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