JP's Get RSS Feed

Get last X number of posts from a selected RSS feed.

Author:Jimmy Peña (profile at
WordPress version required:3.5
WordPress version tested:3.9.40
Plugin version:1.6.3
Added to WordPress repository:31-12-2009
Last updated:16-08-2014
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Rating, %:94
Rated by:13
Plugin URI:
Total downloads:37 431
Active installs:200+
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Notice: Version 1.3.1 introduced admin menus for plugin settings. There is also a new way to pass parameters to the shortcode and PHP function. You should check all shortcodes and plugin function calls before and after upgrading, to confirm compatibility with this version.

If you need help with this plugin

If this plugin breaks your site or just flat out does not work, please go to Compatibility and click “Broken” after verifying your WordPress version and the version of the plugin you are using.

Then, create a thread in the Support forum with a description of the issue. Make sure you are using the latest version of WordPress and the plugin before reporting issues, to be sure that the issue is with the current version and not with an older version where the issue may have already been fixed.

Please do not use the Reviews section to report issues or request new features.


  • Show RSS feed items on any post or page, in your sidebar or footer, or anywhere else using conditional tags in your PHP code
  • Open links in a new window (optional)
  • Include item description next to each article link
  • Post title link is optional. Show feed links as plain text or hyperlink to article
  • Show Featured Image (AKA “post thumbnails”) from local RSS feeds, or display feed logo for remote feeds
  • Customize feed cache lifetime (default minimum 43200 seconds / 12 hours)

This plugin uses WordPress’ ability to return feeds, to get the last X number of items from any RSS feed. Display the last few items from any RSS feed of your choice. For example, your Twitter feed, or another blog or forum that outputs a RSS feed. Any RSS feed can be grabbed. Call it in your footer to list your last few tweets, or your sidebar to showcase content from another one of your blogs.

Uses fetch_feed, which was introduced in WordPress 2.8. Works and tested in WordPress 3.5 and above. By default, feeds are cached for 12 hours. You can choose a shorter (or longer) cache time.

Feed items are wrapped in a div tag, with class “jpgetrssfeed” so you can style the output in your CSS file. The items list is surrounded by <ul></ul> tags, with each feed item listed in a <li></li> tag. However, you can specify a new CSS class to style output differently for different feeds.

You can output the feed item description along with each feed item link.

A button is added to the post editor toolbar so you can insert the shortcode in your posts or pages.

With help from:


To display a feed on any post or page, use this shortcode:


Make sure you go to the plugin settings page after installing to set options.

If you use and enjoy this plugin, please rate it and click the “Works” button below so others know that it works with the latest version of WordPress.
