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Simple yet powerful breadcrumbs for geeks

Author:SquareFlower Websolutions (Lukas Rydygel) (profile at wordpress.org)
WordPress version required:5.0
WordPress version tested:5.5.5
Plugin version:0.2.11
Added to WordPress repository:30-11-2020
Last updated:04-06-2021
Warning! This plugin has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
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Plugin URI:https://wordpress.org/plugins/jinx-breadcrumb...
Total downloads:486
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The plugin allows you to render breadcrumbs and configurate them with filters.


Use the function ‘jinx_breadcrumbs’ to render the breadcrumbs where you want them to be. You may overwrite the default arguments by passing an array to the function.


  if (function_exists('jinx_breadcrumbs')) :

      // default args
      'home' => __('Home', 'jinx-breadcrumbs'),
      'search' => __('Search: "%s"', 'jinx-breadcrumbs'),
      '404' => __('Error 404', 'jinx-breadcrumbs'),
      'author' => __('Author: %s', 'jinx-breadcrumbs'),
      'year' => 'Y',
      'month' => 'F',
      'day' => 'd',
      'before' => '<nav aria-label="breadcrumb"><ol>',
      'after' => '</ol></nav>',
      'before_item' => '<li%s>',
      'after_item' => '</li>',



You may also use the filter ‘jinx_jinx_breadcrumbs’ to overwrite them.


  add_filter('jinx_breadcrumbs', function($args) {

    return array_merge($args, [
      'home' => __('Start', 'cca'),
      'search' => __('Your searched for "%s"', 'cca'),



The plugin will automatically try to find the correct archive pages by using the rewrite slug of custom taxonomies and post types.

If you may want to change this behavior, you may use some filters to manipulate the archive page.

If you return NULL, the archive page will be removed.


  // filters the archive page, passing the PID, type ('taxonomy' or 'post_type') and name (eg. 'video')
  add_filter('jinx_breadcrumbs_archive', function($pid, $type, $name) {

    return $pid;

  }, 10, 3);

  // filters the archive page, passing the PID and name (eg. 'video')
  // the type is part of the filter (eg. 'jinx_breadcrumbs_archive_taxonomy')
  add_filter('jinx_breadcrumbs_archive_{type}', function($pid, $name) {

    return $pid;

  }, 10, 2);

  // filters the archive page, passing the PID
  // the type and name are part of the filter (eg. 'jinx_breadcrumbs_archive_post_type_video')
  add_filter('jinx_breadcrumbs_archive_{type}_{name}', function($pid) {

    return $pid;

  }, 10, 1);
